Questions & Answers

Count in on recording

0 votes
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Studio One 5 by loach (150 points)
I have some lead guitar that starts immediately when the song does. Is there a way to get a  pre count-in with the metronome every time when doing loop recording and takes to track? I get the first count-in then after that it starts back immediately at bar 1. It would be ideal to be able to be counted in before every record.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 14, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
selected Nov 14, 2020 by loach
Best answer
Hi.  I use loop record quite often.  And this advice works based on exporting between markers.   I don't use the pre-count option.  What I do is, I render a 2 bar click track and sync all recording on bar three.  This gives me an eight count in every loop.  Set the loop record function to "takes to layers" and enable loop with your 8 count click and your whole song selected.  I then set a new marker at (or move the start marker to) the beginning of the recording.  I use this method because of your export options.  You can set your markers anywhere and choose any marker ranges to your final export.   You can render out your mix from the start of bar 3 to the end of your song, allowing you your 8 count when recording your takes but the final song starts beat one, bar one when you export.  Hope this helps.  