Questions & Answers

Remove unused files: differentiate between internal and external files

+22 votes
asked Nov 15, 2020 in Editing by fransvannispen (5,920 points)
It would be great to have a way to quickly see which files are in the project folder and which are external if you want to clean up a project by using the "Remove unused files" option in the pool.

It could be done by color coding, a checkbox/radio box to be able to select between them or as simple as having a sorted list, as that will automatically group all files from the project folder together.

As now it's very tricky to use tis feature, as when you make a mistake, your source data can be accidentally deleted.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 16, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Nov 16, 2020 by fschmidt (6,230 points)

I'm all for it! And I'd go further:
S1 should never propose to (permanently) delete external files,
leaving external files unchecked by default in the list!

Alternative: There could also be another command: "remove unused internal files"...

0 votes
answered Nov 19, 2020 by raulcabralfrana1 (1,250 points)
This request needs more love.

It's absolutely simple to implement and would help a lot.

It's a no-brainer for the development team!
0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2022 by oscarpatxot (500 points)
Thanks, this needs to be higher, thanks god I'm quite careful with my file management, but imagine deleting son important loops or one shots that you have no idea where to get again. The default should always be only to remove files in the song folder, and external files should be a choice and with a big warning too.