Questions & Answers

printing hardware: out of sync

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asked Nov 24, 2020 in Studio One 5 by mattlove1 (380 points)
Many apologies if this has been answered -- I could not find a solution with my searches.

  I have several instances of Pipeline for mixing with hardware.  I even have tracks that use Pipeline routed to busses that also use Pipeline, and delay compensation for everything works as expected.

  The issue comes when I want to "bake-in" the analog into the project.  I set up tracks for all the hardware inputs I'd like to print, and record them in.  All of this works fine, except that the printed tracks are all out of sync (and to varying degrees).

  I understand that S1 is compensating for the DA/AD latency with a delay of the playback, and the hardware inputs I'm recording aren't being delayed (as expected).  The result is that the printed tracks are all early by, presumably, a combination of the Pipeline compensation and any plugin delay compensation that might be happening.  The recorded tracks aren't in sync with each other either -- a Pipeline that follows another Pipeline (a bus that follows a track) has to wait for the first DA/AD loop before receiving its signal.

   With all of that being said, I can't seem to find a way to reliably sync the printed files up with the project.  I can zoom to the sample level and line them up by eye, but with dozens of these tracks it is an impossible way to work.  I've also attempted to try to delay the tracks by varying combinations of the reported Pipeline latency and the reported plugin delay compensation amount... also to no avail; I can get close, but never perfect.

   Has anyone figured a way around this?