Questions & Answers

Metronome suddenly out of sync

+3 votes
asked Jan 11, 2019 in Studio One 4 by mikkelodgaard (150 points)
Ive been recording a song using the click track metronome 3/4 and tempo 135. It was all fine when i saved and closed the project.

My problem startet when i opened up the project to continue my recording...because now the tempo was out of sync. Ive been trying all night to find a way to solve this, but without any luck. Would really appreciate any help on this topic!!!

Best Regards



Macbook pro 2015

studio one 4 artist

Scarlett 2i4 Gen2

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2021 by bunkeraudio (630 points)
Have the SAME EXACT PROBLEM.  All tracks and midi are on the beat marker but the metronome sounds a few ms later.  Was perfect last night, today all of a sudden it's off.
0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2021 by bunkeraudio (630 points)
-Metronome Out Of Sync, song is on tempo:

Ok, so I've done everything and anything possible.. Might be many instruments open, dunno but the quickest solution in order to work and not go insane was to Render the Click to track.  There's a wrench next to the metronome icon and you can render the metronome and it will automatically open a new rendered metronome track.  Hope to find a real solution but this temporary solution will get the job done and hope it works for you and anybody else.  First real 'BUMP' in Studio One.
0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2021 by bunkeraudio (630 points)

Ok, yesterday I had the serious sync issue with the metronome so I printed it (which I believe is a GREAT option) but today, other instruments when I was playing live to record had the same "latency" issue.

Once again I did a rundown of ALL the plugins and disabled them one by one but noticed this time I had ONE plugin off, but still online, in the POST section of the Master Channel (how it's my standard "to go tool" always in post -PA's Streamliner, my brain skipped it completely).  Anyhow, I disabled it and problem solved!!!

Conclusion: Always check 3 times and review Post in the Master Section.  It's usually a plug-in issue and can be resolved with disable or print to track!