Questions & Answers

Score View length limit

+4 votes
asked Nov 25, 2020 in Studio One 5 by orbitoverluna (370 points)
I have a session that is 373 bars long. When I try and see it in the score view, it only shows me up to bar 95 in the score.

Is there a length limit on what the score view is able to show?

4 Answers

–1 vote
answered Nov 25, 2020 by wesleypeterson (20,940 points)
I don't have that limit, at least not at 95. I just checked the staff on a track with 278 measures and it's still goes up (I scrolled to just above 300 before I stopped looking.)
0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2020 by klausgraf (210 points)

I am currently facing the same problem...

In my case the score view is limited to bar 100.

I found a crappy workaround by creating a new Track, write the score and later copy the whole thing to the missing part.

It would be nice if there is a more professional solution to that...
0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by tommasoscalici (1,770 points)
I don't think there's a limit, I think it's some kind of bug. I have a track 330 bars long and the score editor stop at 320 for some reason.
+3 votes
answered Dec 18, 2020 by tommasoscalici (1,770 points) 1 flag
Ok, I solved this: the issue was that the "End" marker went set to bar 320. Moving the marker further fixed this. I don't use Start/End markers a lot so I was going a bit crazy.