Questions & Answers

Add a Project Build tab for large projects?

+1 vote
asked Dec 11, 2020 in Look and Feel by jonathanriggan (130 points)

I am not sure how to properly word what I am looking for from a programmer's view. 
The feature I can think of closest to what I am imagining would be the Add Track feature...

Create Project

How many songs for (NAME) project? (pull down tab) (ie 10 songs)

Song Name Select Template (defaults or user) some other parameter (BPM, Key, etc)
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""


Boom! Project is created with all songs already named, templated, BPM'd, keyed, Project synced, etc. All on one tab/ window.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (258,030 points)
Actually this happens automatically once you drag audio files into the Project view.