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Missing device list in Studio one4 Artist.

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asked Dec 24, 2020 in Studio One 4 by davidsundas (120 points)

I need serious help from someone-I don't see any instrument preference list as it shows in different video demonstrations for plugging midi keyboard. so far midi is already connected to the computer and I can easily use the same midi in other Daws but it's not working at studio one. Akai mpk don't need Drivers. I even tried by adding new instruments but still not working. I did re-connect.-plugin and out...tried almost everything...nothing worked? Can you please tell me what should be done or is there any video demonstration on this issue?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 24, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
edited Dec 24, 2020 by wesleypeterson
If it's working in others DAWs you should be able to add it via Studio One > Options > External Devices > Add > AKAI > MPKmini. And then wait a minute for it to read the device. I have it set to all channels, Receive from - I just selected the top device (MPK25 since I don't own a mini), left all filters unchecked, send to -  none, split channels left unchecked, and default instrument input checked. Click OK. It should show your device listed in the External Devices screen now. It will say "Not Connected" under "Send To", that is normal as your not sending midi to your keyboard. So ignore it.  Then on the mixer, click on the speaker of the instrument track you want to play. You might still have to drag a synth onto the instrument track, so you can hear it.

If the external device list is missing in Studio One, I assume you will probably have to uninstall and reinstall Studio One.