Questions & Answers

Plugin Instrument Preset Resetted/ Information Lost

0 votes
asked Jan 2, 2021 in Studio One 4 by sebastianteister (440 points)

it happened again now with a different plugin and manufacturer.

Before, I regularily lost the set instrument in Massive X. After loading the song the preset was the initial one. I stopped using Massive for a while but meanwhile it seemed to work be working.

The same happened with Analog Lab now and I don't know any more which preset was set.

This is very bad. How can I ensure that it doesn't happen?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2021 by robertciochon (180 points)
Hi! No answer here, but I'm having an identical issue with Massive and Guitar Rig. Reinstalling and restoring default settings hasn't helped. Did you ever get this fixed?
0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2021 by sebastianteister (440 points)
Not exactly.

I could remember I was installing several plugins before that song broke.

I haven't had this in other songs, though.

To be sure, I now write down the preset, actually I name the track after the preset.