Questions & Answers

Enter a valid SpectraLayers 7.0 license and restart the application. What does this mean?

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2021 in Studio One 5 by rwmwexyu (120 points)
Every time I try to open a track that I made in studio one this pops up. I have to click okay before the track can open up again. Just want to know how to make this go away.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 15, 2021 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
Spectral Layers is an audio processing plugin.  You must have an unlicensed copy of it inserted somewhere in that song.  If you have a valid license for spectral layers, you need to open spectral layer and authorize it.  If you do not have a valid license for spectral layers, you need to find where it is inserted in that song and remove it, then re-save the song, also, uninstalling spectral layers from your computer then rescanning your plugins is also a good idea to make sure it’s completely removed.