Questions & Answers

quantum es2 is 24bit hd2 is 32bit. what does that mean?

–1 vote
asked May 21, 2024 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by tonysollazzo (280 points)
I currently have a studio 68 which is 24 bit. The new quantum es2 and es4 are both 24bit however the hd2 is 32bit. What does that mean in general, and more specifically, does it have any impact on speeding up the "export mixdown" process? (please note: I'm not after strategies/tricks for speeding up like transforming tracks to audio, just trying to understand if the hardware will make any difference). Thanks, Tony.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 30, 2024 by tonysollazzo (280 points)
Well.... this is strange... is there no-one that can answer this? Is it that it doesn't really make a difference to anything and 24 vs 32 is in reality marketing fluff to help justify a higher price? I'd like to think better of PreSonus but I'm guessing that not every new product can be that much better than previous, maybe? Thanks, Tony.