Questions & Answers

Will the paid version of Ampire work in Studio One 5 Prime?

+1 vote
asked Feb 5, 2021 in Studio One 5 by krollb (300 points)
edited Feb 7, 2021 by krollb
This is not a question/complaint about Ampire XT not working in Studio One 5 or the single rack in the free version of Ampire.

Two members of our band are Sphere subscribers and use Ampire with Studio One 5.1 Pro.  Two other members are much lighter users, who used to use Studio One 4 Artist (came with their Presonus hardware).  If they download Studio One 5 Prime and PAY for the full Ampire product, will Ampire work in S1 Prime? Or do they have to do the upgrade from S1 4 Artist to S1 5 Artist (or worse, Pro?)  Third party reviews say that Prime does not support VST plug-ins, which would suggest that Ampire would not be available.  
