Questions & Answers

Will Ampire XT Metal Pack be updated to work with StudioOne 4.6?

+7 votes
asked Dec 11, 2019 in Studio One 4 by MeeSha (220 points)
After upgrading StudioOne 4.6 warns me that the Metal Pack is incompatible with this version. Will there be an update somedays?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2019 by jackjefferies (150 points)
I'm not too sure but the plugin doesn't seem to be on the store anymore and I can't tell if that's good or bad...
0 votes
answered Feb 4, 2020 by arndkaiser (2,300 points)
Ampire XT Metal Pack needs to be updated to work with Studio One 4.6 or later and the third-generation Ampire. The updated version ( is available for download in your MyPresonus account. To install, download the Extension file from your MyPresonus account, then launch Studio One, then drag&drop the Extension file into the application window. Follow the instructions on screen.