Questions & Answers

External keyboard synth and MIDI

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asked Feb 8, 2021 in Studio One 4 by robertalainst-louis (120 points)
I’ve been using MIDI since 1984, had an Atari and ran Mastertrack Pro, you just had to connect MIDI in/Out on the computer and had a midi patch bay for multiple-keyboards and drum machine and voila!!! So I’m not a newbie here I know midi inside out, I’m a newbie to Studio One, I read the “how to set-up your keyboard to a T, I’m trying to figure out, do you record audio and MIDI at the same time? Cause if I change something in MIDI it obviously  doesn’t change in audio, Back when we only had 8 track you would do a click track, record all the midi events until you were satisfied then at mix down the audio would get recorded that time only. My problem is the recorded midi track doesn’t play back my keyboard sounds, the midi track is there but I can only hear the audio keyboard track.