Questions & Answers

Get Roland TD50 sounds/parameters/instrument nuances in Studio One 5 via USB, not the lame SO5 instruments like Impact

0 votes
asked Feb 8, 2021 in Studio One 5 by kevinarmstrong6 (220 points)
I have read many of the questions and answers and still don't feel like it's addressing my specific concern/dilemma. I have the Roland TD-50 and love that their sounds are so perfected and nuanced to get the precise sound (mics, heads, depth, trigger sensitivity, etc.). I figured is would be easy to connect the USB and get Studios One 5 to talk and utilize Rolands internal instrument and parameters; however, I can't seem to get much of anything I want.

Through 'Preferences', then 'External Devices', I set up the TD50 as a keyboard, designating 1-10 midi channels and Receive from the TD50. I also set up a new instrument being the Roland TD50. If a create a new song, then pull in a Persons instrument like Impact 'Loud Kit', I het he sounds, but not very good sounding, not dynamic, not precision tools like mics, heads, distance, shell depth, etc. I can hear the sounds when I play, but clearly not the sounds I want to hear.

How can I get the Roland TD-50 sounds/instruments/parameters in the Studio One Instrument selection and have all the options, and hear it as I'm playing/recording?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2021 by harmleijendeckers (180 points)

I have a TD27 and only just started using Studio One. So far I have managed to get midi and audio recording working. How to do this is out there, but to sum it up:

1. Create a new Keyboard (Studio One -> Options -> External Devices). Set options: MIDI Channel:10, Receive From:TD-27 (for you prob. TD-50), Send To:None.

2. Create a new Instrument (on the same pop-up window as above). Set options: Receive From:None, Send To:TD-27, MIDI Channel:10.

Now close the dialog and create a new Instrument track, select Instrument TD-27 (again, you prob. see TD-50 in the drop down).

Create another new track, this time an Audio Track. I have the input set to Input L+R.

Of course, you can work with only midi or only audio so you might need only one track.

Finally, you have to set the Monitoring to off for both tracks (blue/grey button next to the red/grey record button), otherwise you will get double notes.

Hope this helps.
0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2021 by harmleijendeckers (180 points)
Also, here is the pitchlist file I created to get the instrument names in the midi editor. Again, this is for the TD27. You might need to modify it for your module.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Music.PitchName pitch="36" name="Kick"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="38" name="Snare Head"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="40" name="Snare Rim"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="23" name="Snare Brush"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="37" name="Snare XStick"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="48" name="Tom 1 Head"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="50" name="Tom 1 Rim"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="45" name="Tom 2 Head"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="47" name="Tom 2 Rim"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="43" name="Tom 3 Head"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="58" name="Tom 3 Rim"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="31" name="Tom 4 Head"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="32" name="Tom 4 Rim"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="46" name="HH Open Bow"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="26" name="HH Open Edge"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="42" name="HH Closed Bow"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="44" name="HH Pedal"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="49" name="Crash 1 Bow"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="55" name="Crash 1 Edge"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="57" name="Crash 2 Bow"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="52" name="Crash 2 Edge"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="51" name="Ride Bow"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="59" name="Ride Edge"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="53" name="Ride Bell"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="27" name="Aux Head"/>

<Music.PitchName pitch="28" name="Aux Rim"/>
