Questions & Answers

I am unable to get Melodyne to work in Studio one 5, some how it is not being recognized in SO5

+1 vote
asked Jan 19, 2022 in Studio One 5 by debonair playa (190 points)
Studio one 5 is not recognizing Melodyne. Every  time I right click and select edit with melodyne, it takes me to the installer for melodyne and I have installed it already.  It does this over and over again. I downloaded Melodyne separately from studio one and it wont open. everytime I try to open an Error pops up and ask if I want to try to reopen and  the error has been reported to apple.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 23, 2022 by michaelbainbridge (270 points)
Exact same problem here  - I've also tried uninstalling and unlicencing Melodyne. I'm on a Mac running Monterey. Melodyne (Studio5.1.1.003) is running fine as a standalone but I really need to use it for for a project  - It's worked in the past but I've not had to use it since getting the Mac Mini M1 - Anyone had any luck ?