Questions & Answers

How do I sync all tracks to change to a new tempo?

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asked Feb 9, 2021 in Studio One 5 by johnsammers (240 points)
Hi - I imported a track from another DAW, which were from a stem bounce without the tempo. All the files were audio although some were MIDI drums that had been rendered. I set a close to tempo and started working on the track. I now want to import some drum loops but the tempo I used is too slow. When I increase the tempo all the tracks appear to move differently and the whole thing goes out. Help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

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answered Feb 10, 2021 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
Open the song, and then open preferences and click Song Setup at the bottom. Under the General section, check "Stretch audio files to Song tempo" and see if it helps.