Questions & Answers

How Do I Delete Impact Tracks Not In Use (Studio One 5.1.1)

+1 vote
asked Feb 14, 2021 in Studio One 5 by mikepal (130 points)
How do I delete the extra Impact Tracks I am not using. I do not want to hide them. I want to delete them.

In one comment section I viewed- It  showed a "delete" button. I do not see this in my version.

I am on Studio One 5 V.5.1.1

Thank you.

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered Feb 15, 2021 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
edited Feb 15, 2021 by mattbennett1
On the far left side of the mix view, make sure the Instr. button is highlighted. This hides or shows the Instruments box immediately to the right. You should see all the instruments used listed under the Instruments box. Right click(or use the dropdown arrow) the ones you want to remove and select Remove. You can also right click the track when you initially remove the instrument and select "Remove track and instrument" when you delete it, if you know it's not being used by another track.