Questions & Answers

How do I prevent the action of renaming Impact ST 1 from renaming the Track as well?

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asked Feb 28, 2020 in Studio One 5 by markwoff (160 points)
recategorized Jan 28, 2023 by markwoff
I tend to use Impact XT to build drum parts on a single track. I mix by setting the pads to different Channels. However, renaming the Impact ST 1 fader (Channel 1,  usually a kick drum, so called e.g Boingy Kick) renames the whole track Boingy Kick.

BUT, say I want to call the track something else (e.g. Low End Kit or something)... renaming the track renames the Impact ST 1 fader.

I'm sure there's a simple solution, but it's evading me. Am I misusing the faders, or Channels, Impact ST 1, or what?

Any help at all gratefully appreciated.