Questions & Answers

What version of Ampire do I have?

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asked Feb 16, 2021 in Studio One 3 by joelwedberg (230 points)
In (I think) 2016 I bought Studio One 3, Artist and it came with Ampire.

I was unable to use the software until late last year.

I want to learn how to use Ampire, but I don't know what *version* of Ampire I have.

Could someone tell me how to tell what version of Ampire I have, and if it is a trial or if I really did purchase it with Studio One 3?

Also, could someone point me to some tutorials or videos about how to use my version of Ampire? From what I can tell, mine isn't much like the version that came with Studio One 4.6 or later.

Thanks Tons,

     - Joel