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How to Deactiveate 2 Notion 6 Licenses on old laptops that I'm wiping & donating..

+1 vote
asked Feb 25, 2021 in Notion by garyschaff (520 points)
I had Studio One Pro on 4 old laptops, along with 2 licenses of 5 used for Notion 6. I'm wiping & getting rid of 3 computers, and setting up two new laptops that are more capable of music production.

For Studio One pro, I went to More Details on each version, and there was a clickable button that read "4 out of 5 licenses."  I clicked on that button, and I was provided with a list of each installation on the computers, and a big red button to "remove" each license, one by one. This worked great, and I now have "0 out of 5 licenses."

But doing the same for Notion 6 fails.  Currently, there are "2 out of 5 licenses."  And I want to deactivate both of them.  Yes, I know I'll have plenty left.  Usually as with Studio One Pro, I could click on "2 out of 5 licenses" and be shown the remove screen.  But the number of activations button is non-clickable. I'm not able to remove these.

I want to deactiveate both copies of Notion 6, and manage them from there. Or since I can't click on that selection, is this something for technical support to address.  If you're listening, can you please remove both of these for me?  Please don't say "well you have 3 more licenses left."  I want both of them GONE, just like all but one license for Studio One Pro.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 26, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
I go through different machines quite often and the only way I know of to deactivate Notion 6 licenses is to send an email to support. They will clear them all and so you'll have to reactivate the ones you're using. I've never had an issue with this, it just takes a day or two. Have a great weekend.