Questions & Answers

In Notion iOS how do I revert back to an older saved version of a score I am working on.

+2 votes
asked Mar 21, 2021 in Notion iOS by geoffreymattoon (140 points)
In Notion iOS how do I revert back to an older saved version of a score I was working on? I am using cloud and I only see the most currently saved file. I honestly don't like that it is constantly saving corrections I make.  While editing the drums part in Dynamic parts view I didn't realize I was deleting parts of the whole score. Now I have a big mess unless I can revert to an earlier saved version.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2023 by jeffblume (400 points)
Notion Mobile is still lacking this feature (that I use daily in Notion 6 (macOS).  I second the request.

Thank you.
+1 vote
answered Apr 11, 2023 by qynuejzk (160 points)
Same issue here. As a workaround, I open the files app and create a duplicate of the Notion file that I'm about to edit. It is kind of a pain, and if anyone has a better solution, I would love to hear about it.

I would request this feature as well.