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Lights Still Randomly Flickering Colours on StudioLive 24 III

+4 votes
asked Mar 22, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by danielsievert (11,890 points)
Over a year ago now I flagged that fact that the button LED colours on my Studiolive 24 III would randomly flicker different colours in various sections of the console.  No regular intervals and no obvious link to any function.  This issue began after a firmware update at some point in the past.  I was told by Support that it was a problem they were aware of and would be addressed in an upcoming update.

I was running a show last week on the latest version of SL24 III Firmware and the latest UC Surface / Control. During the course of the show I saw the lights flicker random colours at least ten times.  The Mix buttons at times looked very Christmassy and the FatChannel section seemed to change personality for brief moments.

Can anyone explain to me why these issues keep migrating from update to update?  A few weeks back someone added to a post I made two years ago about a Matrix Bus issue related to the SL16 III.  Again, I reported this issue to Support over two years ago and despite this, two years and a multitude of updates later, other users are still flagging the same issue.

I feel that Presonus simply isn't interested in making the StudioLive mixers work as intended.  Update after update comes out adding functions and support to DAW Control but rarely appearing to address the issues that are plaguing engineers on live shows.

How can it be that we still do not have an AUX Send point that is Post EQ and Pre Compression?  StudioLive mixers are the only digital mixers I'm aware of at the moment that don't conform to that basic standard.  So for the most part I can't use any appreciable compression for FOH because that also affects monitors.

Why do we not have a signal generator in the mixer?

How can it be that Scene Safes do no include FlexMixes, Groups, AUX Inputs, DCA's and Masters?  I find the process of recalling a scene on my mixer to be one of the most nerve-wracking operations I have to perform.  A set of global filters is not good enough.  All channels in or out of the mixer along with Mixes, Masters and Groups, need to have individual Scene Safe capability.

How is it possible that, years and years after StudioLive owners started asking for it (begging for it), we STILL don't have an offline editor?  I had to run a show recently where I was walking in on a Midas M32.  Having never used that mixer before I arrived at the venue with a showfile already built and ready to load.  If it had been Presonus mixer I would have spent the first 40 minutes naming channels, setting up routing, bus masters, monitoring options etc.   Why does Presonus insist on showcasing two of their old and largely superseded mixers as their "Demo" mixer in UC Control & Surface? The Demo mixers should be offline versions of the current range (or the entire range) with Project & Scene storage capability.  Offline Editor solved.

Presonus, when do you intend to address these issues? These are not new issues or requests by any stretch of the imagination.  They are years old.  The Offline Editor requests has existed through the entire market life-cycle of the SL24 III.  When will these issues and requests be addressed and solved?