Questions & Answers

I'm using a hard drive with a custom name and can't record. Why?

0 votes
asked May 10, 2015 in Studio One 1 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
I'm using a hard drive with a custom name and can't record. Why?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 10, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

The Studio One application will only recognize hard drives named with the basic alphabet of the language pack that you are using. Characters beyond the basic alphabet or character system of your language may not be recognized - and therefore will result in the inability of the software to arm tracks for recording. Examples of invalid characters include:

  • Spaces before the name of the drive
  • Punctuation, such as slashes, ampersands, "at" symbols, etc.
  • Unicode characters such as geometric shapes and symbols
  • Letters or characters foreign to your currently installed language pack​

Please rename your drive to a name using the basic alphabet or character system of your current language, and this should resolve your problem. 
