Questions & Answers

Quantize not working S1 ver 5

+2 votes
asked Apr 28, 2021 in Studio One by Mr. Pilo (220 points)
Example. I will record a drum part with addictive drums 2.... I'll select all the notes and I'll hit the Q key
to quantize and nothing happens... I go to the midi editor. Do the same thing nothing... Now if I select maybe a small section of notes, like let's say drag and select a few then it will quantize. But not as a while.  It does this for all VST's.... Any help is greatly appreciated

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 1, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Click the "I.Q" button.  That is input quantize.  I use it sometimes when recording midi drum kits.  It will quantize as you record.