Questions & Answers

I accidently changed AC switch on eris sub8. Now it doesn't work. How can I fix it ?

+1 vote
asked Apr 30, 2021 in Studio One+ by (130 points)
I accidently changed  AC switch on eris sub8. Now it doesn't work. How can I fix it ?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 2 by aididpollard (140 points)
Hey there, same thing happened to me.
But fortunately, there is a fix!
On the power Socket of the sub8 speaker( where u stick the power cable in the back of the speaker)
There is this little cap right underneath the Socket.
U can pop it open with flat screw driver. It's  a small fuse box. And inside u will see the burnt fuse!
But there is also a spare Fuse  in the small fuse holder.
So u just replace the burnt fuse with the spare and that's  it.
Just make sure, to have the speaker plugged out and turned off while doing this.

Hope this helps anyone with same issue.
0 votes
answered May 20 by kuschmail (140 points)
What specs does the fuse have, in case I want to purchase another spare fuse after replacing the blown one?