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Console Shaper muted 2 buss...

0 votes
asked Mar 19, 2016 in Studio One 3 by brettgoodkin (270 points)
I've read that some other folks have experienced this, but it just happened to me for the first time...

Channel meters show signal, but no sound...  2 buss meter shows no signal.  I cycled each buss' Console Shaper off, same result.  Started removing instances and found that once I removed it from one particular buss, it was back to normal.  Put Console Shaper back on all the busses and no problem.

I can't recreate the problem; however, I did close the session and exited S1 a few times and even did a cold reboot...  None of these fixed the problem.

So, far, it's the only niggle I've found.


Win 10 S1 Pro 3.2 64bit... Pace...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2016 by brettgoodkin (270 points)

According to tech support this is a glitch.