Questions & Answers

Do you have any discounts for upgrading Studio One Pro Ver 3 to Ver 5

0 votes
asked May 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by mikebishop1 (120 points)
Do you have any discounts for upgrading Studio One Pro Ver 3 to Ver 5?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 31, 2021 by mancalledclay (660 points)
looks like you asked this question 10 days ago with NOT ONE response from this illustrious community.

i had this same question though i'm uncertain now just how interested i'm in this discounted-upgrade, as it does exist until June 1st and the $112.46 price seems quite reasonable....however i'm reminded how fragile Studio One can be as i'm trying to open Pro version 3 for like the 16th time (even as i eliminate 'problematic' plugins.. no other DAW (next to Logic) seems so tender and ready-to-crash. I'd really like some confirmation as to Version 5's stability.......any takers?