Questions & Answers

Scenes not there

+1 vote
asked May 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ivanrivas1 (170 points)

Hi Norman

Thanks for the answer but the pages you mention are not there just  Show group and channel list.

related to an answer for: Scenes button not there

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 23, 2021 by normanriley (5,530 points)
Sorry.  I assumed you are running the latest version, i.e., 5.2.  Mix scenes were introduced with v5.0.  If you're running 5.0 or higher you should see the mix scenes icon by default.  If you're running 5.0 or higher and don't see the icon it might be due to something in your S1 preference settings - check the manual.  If you're running anything prior to v5.0 you don't have mix scene capability.
asked May 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ivanrivas1 (170 points) Scene button not there Runing 5.2.1
0 votes
answered May 24, 2021 by stanthompson2 (5,910 points)
Here is a link to the different types and versions of studio one;

In addition to ver 5.0 and later, mixer scenes are only available in S1 sphere and pro