Questions & Answers

Studio One 5 will not load Smart EQ3 plugin

+2 votes
asked Jun 1, 2021 in Studio One 5 by petergoacher (140 points)
I have Studio One 5 Artist and it reads the VST plugin Smart EQ3 when it opens on my Windows 10 PC, but it won't display it in the library of effects.  I have tried the various suggestions for clearing the plugin list and deleting the files from the x64 folder but the problem remains.

I have looked at the file pluginscanner.log and it gives the following message:

2021/06/01 18:11:55.838 [Info]: UI Status: Scanning 40 of 83: smartEQ3
2021/06/01 18:11:55.840 [Info]: Scan next file in scan process: smartEQ3
2021/06/01 18:11:55.996 [Info]: Scan file completed: scan process result = 0x80004005 class data: YES

I have tried Sonible (the creators of the plugin) but they cannot help and suggest asking PreSonus.  I am not precious about the plugin and will remove it if I cannot get Studio One to load it, but I would have liked to have tried it out first.



4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 18, 2021 by thomaskaiser2 (140 points)
I have the same problem with the NEO Piano One Plugin and Studio One 5 Artist. I have a Win10 professional and every time by the first scan of the plugins,after clearing of the settings, I have following Messages in PluginScanner.log

2021/07/18 09:48:16.340 [Info]: Adding file 1: "file:///C:/Program Files/Common Files/VST3/PreSonus VST3 Shell.vst3/Contents/x86_64-win/PreSonus VST3 Shell.vst3"
2021/07/18 09:48:16.342 [Info]: Adding file 2: "file:///C:/Program Files/Vstplugins/Neo_Piano/Neo_Piano_x64.dll"
2021/07/18 09:48:16.351 [Info]: UI Status: Untersuche Ordner "C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\Neo_Piano"
2021/07/18 09:48:16.351 [Info]: UI Status: Warte auf Plug-in-Scan-Prozess...
2021/07/18 09:48:16.474 [Info]: UI Status: Untersuche 1 von 2: PreSonus VST3 Shell
2021/07/18 09:48:16.477 [Info]: Scan next file in scan process: PreSonus VST3 Shell
2021/07/18 09:48:16.546 [Info]: Scan file completed: scan process result = 0x80004005 class data: YES
2021/07/18 09:48:16.549 [Info]: UI Status: Untersuche 2 von 2: Neo_Piano_x64
2021/07/18 09:48:16.552 [Info]: Scan next file in scan process: Neo_Piano_x64
2021/07/18 09:48:16.666 [Info]: Scan file completed: scan process result = 0x80004005 class data: YES
2021/07/18 09:48:16.672 [Info]: UI Status: Plug-in-Untersuchung abgeschlossen.
2021/07/18 09:48:16.705 [Info]: Plug-in-Untersuchung abgeschlossen in 0.378 Sek (2 neu)

Also the Plugins-de.settings is not complete. it is missing the informatinos of Class version Vendorr........

<Section path="A2AF1888/Neo_Piano_x64.dll">

<Attributes numClasses="0">

<DateTime x:id="modifiedTime" time="2018/11/11 20:22:46.000"/>

<Version x:id="version"/>


But on another Win 10 Home Notebook the plugin works without all problems.  have you  some ideas what could be the problem.

It would be very nice to have a solution. other 2.4 VST plugins works fine.

Thanks thomas
0 votes
answered Dec 23, 2021 by junhoshin1 (2,540 points)

Yup. this is true... so weird XD

0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2022 by andreasurban (470 points)
I have Studio one 5 Pro and I also have this problem with Smart:EQ 3.  All the others work fine.  This happened to me after a complete computer rebuilt.
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2023 by patriccremer (270 points)
Same here for really quite some time now and I keep hoping that the "super reactive customer friendly" Presonus SO Team takes care of the problem of randomly blacklisting plugins from obviously good companies ..