Questions & Answers

how can I get the serial number of Melodyne included in my studio 192 PRESONUS - STUDIO ONE 4 artist

0 votes
asked Jun 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by audiovisuales1 (120 points)
I used to use Melodyne included in my studio 192 with studio one 4 artist, but I had to uninstall Melodyne because I had issues with my files, now I want to use again Melodyne but its asking for a serial number and I don't now how to get it

Can you please help me??

1 Answer

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answered Jun 22, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Studio One Artist only includes a limited trial for Melodyne.  You either need to upgrade to Pro for a perpetual licence or buy one from Celemony direct.  If you buy S1 Pro then you will get a feature limited perpetual licence for Melodyne.  