Questions & Answers

StudioLive 16R Getting Main L&R to also go out mix 1&2

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asked Jul 5, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by daviduselton (140 points)
edited Jul 5, 2021 by daviduselton

I cannot seem to get my digital patching to work for my StudioLive16R.  Says I have latest firmware. I have used digital patching to assign L&R to also come out of mix 1&2 but I get no sound out of 1&2 sends.  I have tried turning the aux masters up and down, but nothing. Seems like it should be a simple enough exercise.  Any ideas what might be the issue??

I am using UC on the laptop that is connected to the device via USB cable, so not over network connection. Should not matter, but thought I would throw it in there. 

