Questions & Answers

Show filenames in mixdown folders

+15 votes
asked Sep 20, 2021 in Studio One 5 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
edited Sep 20, 2021 by richardrupert
It would be very helpful to show all the files that are already in any chosen folder when doing a mixdown. The only option now is to navigate to a folder, and any previously existing files are not shown. It would be great it if functioned like Windows Explorer when saving a mixdown. If re-exporting a mixdown, for example, it's often desirable to overwrite a previous version rather than appending with a number. And there are times when the specific mixdown name is forgotten -- this functionality would allow recovering that within the Studio One mixdown window. I'd like to make this a feature request too, but am not sure how  to do that since I already posted this.  Sorry.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Sep 20, 2021 by tothrec (32,310 points)
Totally agree.

Any chance you can add the "Feature Request" tag to your post?
0 votes
answered May 15, 2022 by qcmjerix (1,250 points)
For me it would also be nice for Studio One to remember the name of the last mixdown file. Strangely, it rarely remembers. I think this used to work well.