Questions & Answers

Shure MV7 Setup using USB

0 votes
asked Nov 13, 2021 in Studio One 5 by nhunter1 (210 points)

Just recieved a Shure MV7 (USB&XLR) Microphone but just getting lots of noise from the mic when using USB. (Haven't tried XLR as I am trying to avoid using an audio interface) Have set audio IO as Windows Audio, input as MV7 mic and output as MV7 mic headphone output. Studio One is set (unchangeable) at 44k so set both MV7 input and headphone output as 24 bit and 44k. But just getting very high pulsing noise when armed for recording and recorded. Should this work in Studio One (version 4 PRO)?  

Is the mic faulty, Studio One or am I missing some configuration? Does anyone else have the SHure MV7 working in Studio One?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 25, 2023 by AlexVolz423 (140 points)
same issue in Studie one 6... any ideas?