Questions & Answers

How do I calibrate the VU of my Eureka?

0 votes
asked May 10, 2015 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by AlexTinsley (925,190 points)
How do I calibrate the VU of my Eureka?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 10, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,190 points)
selected May 10, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
1. Remove lid and turn down/off all controls.

2. Keep unit powered up.

3. Locate calibration pot on far right side front of the main board.

4. Hit GR-to-Meter button and adjust (using jeweler’s kit screwdriver) until needle is exactly at 0db.

5. Replace lid, return to service.