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Audio Batch Converter doe NOT allow drag and drop of nested folders.

–1 vote
asked Jan 30, 2022 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by westsmith1 (110 points)
edited Feb 1, 2022 by westsmith1
I have several thousand nested folders. I have several other batch converters that allow a set of folders to be dropped into the converter. Addio Batch Converter does not allow this. Odd as studio one is all about drag and drop. We must use the browser to open hundreds or thousands of folders before they can be sent or dropped into audio batch converter. If there was a command to open all folders in the browser or a shift+selection of folders this could be minimized as an issue.

Doing this as required now you can easily miss nested folders in a long line of folders.

As I was doing this, I notice my mac mini M1 with 64 gigs of ram and 8TB SSD....was running out of ram to the point audio batch converter stopped altogether. This happened 20 + times in one evening of doing batch conversions with audio batch converter.

So, even if drag and drop was correctly implemented as with EVERY other music batch converter I have EVER used...

there is still some sort of bug that the memory is not released when the files are finished converting.

if I load 1k files, Studio one needs the ram to hold ALL those files open.

This is NOT the behavior of any other music batch convert I own or have tried. I can literally load 10k or more 24-96 waves into all other converters with no issues whatsoever but audio bach converter brings my system to its knees with 500-1000 files. I do music production with a hundred or so tracks and have been doing so on this mac for a year. ABC is the only program -TO EVER give me a popup that system resources are depleted to the point I must close applications.

Please address the memory issues. The memory should release as any file finishes. Platinum Notes for example eats through thousands of folders and or files, can process for days or weeks and never hints at memory issues even on macs with 8gb from 10+ years ago.

the lack of REAL drag and drop functionality severely limits audio batch converter and at this time its outperformed by many other converters that otherwise are less desirable.

I also noticed ABC loses some or most of the comments and disc numbers as well as some percentage of artwork which -AGAIN is not an issue with any other batch converter I tested. An option to extract the art upon conversion would prevent the missing art from being an issue. The comments are where i/we store the key info from mixed in key. After all the issues I'm dealing with from ABC I now see i must reprocess 10's of thousands of files in mixed in key to retrieve the information I already spent days processing and storing in the comments field.

Overall 9 out of 10 stars but there are a couple of things that seem buggy.