Questions & Answers

Please include a polarity switch on the Channels and mixer

0 votes
asked Feb 9, 2022 in Recording by anthonyhannah (120 points)
Hi I am a STUDIO ONE 5 Artist owner can you Please, Please include a polarity switch on the Channels and mixer. also, A hot key or function key to take the **** cursor BACK TO THE HOME POSTION! Navigating this DAW is very cumbersome Thank you for your consideration.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2022 by tothrec (32,280 points)
I'm not sure what the down-votes are for, but I also prefer to have a polarity switch on the track/channel rather than having to insert some oddly named "mixtool" with a somewhat confusing interface onto the track just to swap the phase on the snare bottom track.

I have no idea what your second request is for.  Are you saying that you don't know how to rewind?  Try pressing the COMMA key on your keyboard.

On the Studio One menu there is a Keyboard Shortcuts link that may help you with other questions.

0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2022 by stevedaymusic (960 points)
The polarity switches are hidden by default.  To show them in the mixer, click on the wrench icon on the upper left of the mixer, then look down under the "Channel Components" section, then put a check mark next to "Input Controls."  Then the polarity buttons should show up at the top of each channel in the mixer, as well as an input gain knob.