Questions & Answers

Polarity/phase switch on sends

+16 votes
asked Sep 19, 2022 in Mixing by danielhahnfeld (700 points)
edited Sep 19, 2022 by danielhahnfeld

Please include a polarity/phase switch on sends (the way it is possible in Reaper). You already got a small pan control which is great. I'm just missing a small polarity/phase switch next to it. It would not take up much screen real estate but would tremendously increase functionality.

Here a screenshot taken of a video by Dan Worrall (video below).

Screenshot video Dan Worrall

Here you can see it in action at minute 1:42 in a video by Dan Worrall 

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2022 by webhamster (2,110 points)
Yes, that would be very helpful.
0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2022 by liaudetcyprien (160 points)
I also agree. Putting a comment out there just to increase the request's visibility. This is the N°1 missing feature for me now that V6 is out. This last addition would make S1 almost perfect !
0 votes
answered May 10, 2023 by jakubsolowski (290 points)
Yes, it would definitely be very helpful feature. Coming from watching Dan's videos as well haha.