Questions & Answers

Cursor Follows Edit Position doesn't follow if Edit Position is already selected

+2 votes
asked Feb 15, 2022 in Editing by dennisschwachhofer (1,280 points)
When editing samples I often turn on and of the "Cursor follows edit position" option.

But if I have already selected a clip, a marker or something else and then turn on the CFEP option, the cursor does not jump to the edit position, which is perhaps a good thing. But if click on that already selected element again, it still does not jump to the edit position, which would be nice, because right now the only way to get the cursor to an already selected edit position is to select something else and then the element again.

So please can we make a change that if you select an already selected element again, the cursor jumps to the edit position if it's not already there?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2022 by tothrec (32,330 points)
I think the same bug/feature applies to an already-selected marker.

If you clink on a marker, the cursor jumps to that position (as expected).

If that marker is already selected and the cursor position is somewhere else, so you click on the marker to go back, nothing happens.
