Questions & Answers

Why cant I see the different plugins at the same time

0 votes
asked Feb 26, 2022 in Studio One 5 by matjazplaninc (120 points)
H there and thanks again for a superior DAW.

My only issue and question is.

Is it possible to view more than one plugin at the time? For example, right now I can only view and edit one plugin at the time.

Now I can only use a Eq and if I want so to use a compressor at the same time I cannot see them simultaneously.

And that is getting kind of jumping and disorienting to me.

I would be thankful for any assistance I could get from you.

Best Regards

Matt From Sweden

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Feb 26, 2022 by aarenalseri (260 points)
You can click on the pin icon on the top right corner of your plugin window.