Questions & Answers

Is this macro/command possible? SoundID/Mixtool/plugin question

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asked Mar 23, 2022 in Studio One 5 by GTRtice (4,930 points)
I'm running SoundID Reference with Safe Headroom enabled (this turns everything down a full 8dB for me when SoundID is enabled). What I've done is set it up on the Listen Bus with Mixtool immediately after SoundID, the purpose of Mixtool being to pull the signal down 8dB when SoundID is disabled, since I don't like turning a knob or adjusting a fader every time to make up the volume difference.

My question is this - can I set up a hot key/macro to switch between activating the two plugins, one on and one off? For example - SoundID is on and Mixtool is off, then I'd like to press a command that turns SoundID off and Mixtool on, and then vice versa over and over with a single click. This would be super helpful but I'm not sure how to do it. I hope I've explained it well, and thank you for any assistance.