Questions & Answers

Can anybody give me some advice as to what you do to edit your vocals?

–4 votes
asked Apr 13, 2016 in Studio One 3 by carlosarmendariz (120 points)
I am a rapper and i use studio one proffesional 3 and i need my vocals to the best they can be. Can anybody give me some advice as to what you do to edit your vocals?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

With Rap Vocals - or any speech that will be up front in your face - you want to edit out things that are potentially offensive or annoying like ...

  • Lip Smacks
  • Excessive Sibilance
  • Excessive breath noises
  • Mic bumps or any other unwanted noises like digital clicks

Because rap vocals are typically very highly compressed in a mix, all of those kinda of things will become even more obvious and more audible once you start to compress the vocal.   If the quality of the recording is sub par, it can be a very tedious thing to do, so pay attention to recording methods and techniques and mic placement, be patient during recording, to keep that kind of tedious post editing to a minimum.
