Questions & Answers

my computer always reads microphone not plugged in when it is can anybody help me out with this problem?

0 votes
asked Apr 15, 2017 in AudioBox USB by earlrachal (150 points)
hp 15 labtop studio one 3 x64

audiobox usb studio

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
Ensure your computer is fully up to date with any Windows and HP updates.

Ensure that you have installed the current device drivers for the AudioBox.

Connect your AudioBox to different connections and with different cables.

Test your AudioBox on another computer.

If your AudioBox will not work regardless of cables, connections or computers, then it may be faulty.

Have your AudioBox exchanged from where you purchased it or contact PreSonus for further assistance.