Questions & Answers

Scalable Channel Editor

+5 votes
asked Oct 12, 2022 in Look and Feel by thomasnoser (650 points)
The Channel Editor in Studio One 6 is nice. But Please make it scalable

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2022 by brionreid (2,310 points)

Are you talking about this?? I think it's officially called Channel Overview & I agree 100%
I'd also REALLY like it if the Cue Mix panel could be closed (as I will likely never use it)

0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2022 by princeagrawal (13,840 points)
Yes please. I'd really like to use this feature introduced in v6, but without it occupying more than 50% of my screen real estate. Making it scalable would make it actually pretty usable.