Questions & Answers

Audio Interface upgrades.

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asked Nov 1, 2022 in Revelator Series by teejay386 (120 points)
Hey presonus I've done alot of research comparing your interfaces to other companies usb audio interfaces. I reconize that there is some upgrades that you can make to your interfaces that will be major improvements and make your preamps sound even better. The most important improvement is that you should make audio interfaces with higher input impedance levels. I think your preamps should have atleast 4 kohms input impedance levels or higher so that your preamps will capture more energy of microphone signals and also be able to drive microphone signals higher without having to use so much gain which will make your preamp headroom much better while having stronger signals while recording at lower levels. I have read a article about rupert neve explaining how a higher preamp input impedance would give a microphone a better signal. After reviewing the input impedance of the presonus interfaces i feel they need this significant improvement and would be amazing if this was to happen. I noticed that customers love the focusrite audio interfaces because the built in preamps of thier interfaces are 3 kohms while the presonus interfaces have 1.6 kohms which makes the focusrite a better choice preamp. I love presonus and will not record with any other brand audio interface, which is why i did my research and feel like this improvement will make the xmax preamps even more of a monster preamp sonically. It's  the truth and should be done a.s.a.p and I should be the 1st customer to receive a improved product to review and promote on my youtube page. My name is Travis Thompson and my email is [email protected]. I'm your number 1 presonus customer and brand supporter.