Questions & Answers

Windows 11 users want Mica effect (dark theme for title bar and menu bar)

+6 votes
asked Dec 8, 2022 in Studio One 6 by amgscjcd (260 points)
edited Dec 8, 2022 by amgscjcd

When I open Studio One 6, Presonus don´t updated the title bar and menu bar (mica effect and grey for menu bar) for windows 11:

Other developers made it, like Native Instruments, Kilohearts, Waves, etc. But Studio One not yet, it looks inconsistent when we are using dark theme in windows 11.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2023 by tiagoribeiro3 (1,070 points)
Voted! We really need this, in this update they focused too much on quality of life improvements and still such a obvious one was forgotten. Tracks with icons is more important apparently...
0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2023 by [email protected] (140 points)
This happens due to Microsoft's half baked dark mode implementation.
Search the internet for the proper Registry Key and change it to your preferred color, or search for MicaForEveryone on Github, which would be a GUI application to make this somewhat easier.