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Does Studio One have the ability to automatically add dynamic markings based on a MIDI recording?

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asked Jan 6, 2023 in Studio One 5 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
To clarify my question, here's what I am doing:

1) Recording into Studio One using my NI Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 to trigger MIDI notes using BBC SO Core violin sound and yes, I've got a sound variation applied on the track of legato.
2) I'm also using my fader controller from MIDIMaker which has three faders, one for vibrato (CC 21), one for expression (CC 11) and one for dynamics (CC 1).

My point is, it's all an great to using a fader controller for expression and dynamics, but if Studio One is not going to add in dynamic markings it kind of seems to defeat the purpose... I might as well revert back to using Dorico for notation.

So, how can I get Studio One to add dynamic markings after I record MIDI?  Do I have to write a macro based on the MIDI values of expression and dynamics or something like that?  It's got to be simpler than that.

Your response is eagerly awaited.  This is the last thing I have to figure out before I can get cranking on recording.