Questions & Answers

Why are the dynamic markings in my score not working?

+1 vote
asked Aug 24, 2021 in Studio One 5 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
edited Sep 1, 2021 by rogervincent
So, I exported my MusicXML from Dorico, imported it to Notion, then clicked the feature to "Send to Studio One" which worked great except that the dynamic markings are not having any effect.  I tried deleting the first one on my violin track and adding a different one back, but it still made no difference.  Is there something I need to do after importing the score from Notion to get it to recognize my dynamic markings so that the notes play at the correct dynamic level?

I'm using Studio One 5.3 Professional.

Ok, does ANYONE respond to questions in this forum?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 1, 2021 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
Anyone?  Does anyone ever respond in this forum?