Questions & Answers

Easier Sound Variation integration between Studio One and Notion

+3 votes
asked Feb 14, 2023 in Notion Feature Requests by caralm (470 points)
This is a request for those of us who create a Mockup in Studio One and then use Notion to create the printed Score.  I think it was a nice improvement when using Sound Variations in Studio One 6 and exporting the score to Notion that the KS data is not printed on the score so that we don't have to manually remove the out of range notes.  Bravo!

This request is to have Notion interpret the KS as defined in the Studio One Sound Variation (Staccato, Pizz, Tremelo, Muted, etc.) and then populate the Notion score with the corresponding symbols in the Notation itself to eliminate a lot of time consuming manual effort as a workflow improvement.

Note: I explored the Notion Rules Engine, and that seems to be more geared towards manipulating the sound of the score in Notion, vs. interpreting the MIDI info (velocity, Dynamics, Expression, Vibrato and other CC data) being imported into Notion. So a related request would be to interpret this data for intensity (ppp vs fff), vibrato markings etc. either automatically or with the Rules Engine as a management mechanism.   I'll file the second request separately as I suspect this enhancement is more complex.