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Suggestion for improvement for Duo Capture Please!! Allow audio files to be added from icloud

+2 votes
asked Mar 3, 2023 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by christiankern2 (360 points)
Good day,

Here is an improvement suggestion for Presonus Capture Dou.

The interaction of the iPad app with Studio One would be a lot better if we could add finished instrumentals via iCloud.

Not every musician records his voice and an instrument at the same time via the interface.

Rappers in particular take any ready-made beats (Mp3, Wav) and rap on them
But that doesn't work with Presonus Dou.

The ecosystem would be 100 times better if I could just add a beat from my iCloud on the go.
Currently I always have to access a DAW from another manufacturer on the iPad, which is incredibly annoying and time-consuming.

Capture Dou only needs this one function, let's add audio files so you can spontaneously record a song no matter where you are and easily transfer it to Studio One in the studio..

Please take this suggestion for improvement seriously.

And asks all users to vote for it, you're doing some people a big favor with it

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2023 by ianharvey (150 points)
Please do this - people have been asking for this for years.

In the Covid lockdowns I put together a number of recordings where I'd make a guide track and had to get our 'talent' to add vocals. Things had to be sent and received over the internet as it was difficult to meet. We tried all sorts - Garageband, Songtree, freebie apps, but ended up just playing the guide on one phone while recording on another with the basic voice recorder app.

I love how simple and gimmick-free Capture Duo is, just this one feature would make it perfect.