Questions & Answers

Guitar Plug In after Ampire

+3 votes
asked Jun 19, 2023 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by lkm1954 (200 points)
Even since the 4 to 5 upgrade I am still sour about the downgrade of Ampire because it really wasn't that good in the first place. Now there is nothing, the one amp left  is useless. Also what happened to guitar rig.

Now that Fender bought presonus could someone look into a software they use to put out with the mustang amp line called FUSE. It was discontinued but has many amp models ( not just Fender amps either) and also lots of effects.  I still use it and have 2 amps that it came with.  I have saved the *.exe file and just recently loaded it onto a brand new windows 11 pro computer and it still works fine.

I use the headphone jacks on the practice amps to my mixer the send to my audiobox.  From the mixer I can also use aux outs to my real amps ,  (Fender pro-reverb 2x12 and a Marshall 40 watt 1x12)  It sounds amazing, just can't live with the volume in my little studio.

It would be great in a plug in version and all of the work is done with design, Just need to change PC version to a plug in.

Overall, I figure with the downgrade of Ampire y'all  owe me (and everybody else) one.  How about hooking this up instead of Ampire, it beats the pants off of it.
